Armstrong Mike 2022-06-04

Flight ID 11894
Glider AIR - Atos VQ
Club Scottish Hang Gliding Club
Defined Yes
Launch 1
Type 4
Ridge Lift No
Score 41.45x3 = 124.36
Lat Lng OS
56.668883 -4.930088 NN205568
56.597273 -4.719243 NN331483
56.718094 -4.742672 NN322618
56.668883 -4.930088 NN205568
Info Wow, blue day (until quite late in the flight) at Glencoe Mountain Resort. Top of lift 8000+ feet asl. Completed the declared triangle today having failed it yesterday. Absolutely booming at TP3 over Blackwater Reservoir. Closed triangle at 6700 feet asl! Very difficult to lose height over landing field.
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