Armstrong Mike 2018-05-16

Flight ID 10956
Glider AIR - Atos VQ
Club Scottish Hang Gliding Club
Defined No
Launch 1
Type 4
Ridge Lift No
Score 41.5x2.5 = 103.76
Lat Lng OS
56.669819 -4.928528 NN206569
56.598206 -4.717681 NN332484
56.719027 -4.741106 NN323619
56.669819 -4.928528 NN206569
Info Day started slowly and ended late. Not much in the way of cumulus markers till later. Once high, it was relatively easy to stay high, but cold, of course. While derigging, a big dusty came through the LZ, travel up the access road then caused carnage in the ski centre car park. Never seen one as big or as wide as that in Scotland.
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