Almond Neville 2022-04-09

Flight ID 11803
Glider AIR - Atos VR
Club Malvern (Aerotow)
Defined No
Launch 1
Type 4
Ridge Lift No
Score 61.74x2.5 = 154.35
Lat Lng OS
50.817325 -2.395282 ST722020
50.659962 -2.392544 SY723845
50.849374 -2.148389 ST896055
50.817325 -2.395282 ST722020
Info Forecast 10mph, but was 16mph at base, slow going forward. So I tried unconventional and went for the convergence instead, hoping the headwind would reduce and make distance easier to munch. It didn't, plus lift so-so, and convergence down to 3,300 (from a 5K base inland), so retreated back inland, then it went blue! Just made it back to (near) takeoff. A nice 3 hours xc though.
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